This was a good mystery read. I wouldn't say that I loved it, because at times the writing was a little lackluster. However, for a quick read with cheap thrills, this one fits the bill. Much of the plot in the beginning was more of the same thing over and over with recurring bad dreams and such. The subject matter is a little rough, as the main character is raped in the very beginning of the book. The story line becomes interesting as she starts to let people back into her world, after she has become extremely reclusive. There are two major twists at the end, one right after another. I had to finish it in order to see who turned out to be her rapist, because she had a feeling it was someone close to her. The author did a great job of building suspense. The surprise ending packs a punch. Not a read for the faint of heart. I gave myself a few nightmares. But it was worth it!
The book will be published March 24, 2015.