After seeing all the buzz for this book and all the comparisons to Gone Girl, I decided I would give it a try. Then, I was on a hold list forever and that caused me to want to read it even more. Funny how that happens! Well, I finally read it and I'm not entirely sure what the big hubbub is all about. It wasn't as crazy weird as Gone Girl, and I do believe this story would make a better movie than Gone Girl. There are three characters who are narrating the story, Rachel, Anna, and Megan. The chapters switch back and forth between the three women and also back and forth over the span of a few months. I wouldn't advise trying to pay attention to the timeline while you read, because I tried and got too caught up in it and lost momentum for reading.
Rachel is an alcoholic, and therefore, a mostly unreliable narrator. Anna is Rachel's ex-husband's new wife, and she is not a fan of Rachel for various reasons which you will soon figure out by reading the beginning of the book. Megan is a neighbor down the street from Anna's house (which is also Rachel's old house). Rachel rides the train every day and becomes quite interested in watching Megan's house, while trying to avoid looking at her old house. One day she sees something out of place, and her obsession builds from there. Meanwhile, Megan goes missing and the night it happens, Rachel is so drunk that she blacks out and has no memory of where she was, or why she came home battered and bloody. Could she have done something to Megan? Does she really know what happened? Did she see who took Megan? The story does move along rather quickly, and I'm glad I read it. But, I just didn't have the feeling that I couldn't put it down and I'm not in love with it. If you like psychological suspense and stories where all the characters are a bit off their rockers, this is the book for you.